Vallée de Mai

依據 8 則評論


Sara A
57 month ago
It wasn't very good but it wasn't bad. Was calm, quiet & a nice forest walk. Not much more than that. Wasn't 2 hot because it was always shadow from the palm trees. Wasn't much more 2 see than trees.
Стас Г
76 month ago
Место потрясное. Ценник высокий - 350 рупий или 25$ за просто прогулку в очень красивых джунглях. Но побывать там стоит...
Boon K
80 month ago
Definitely get a guide (SCR150pp) otherwise you'll miss out seeing all the rare animals and plants and not get the history of coco de mer.
Nick P
95 month ago
amazing. beatiful. all nature and you. get up to the shelter/viewpoint
May ♍
103 month ago
Worth the visit if you're interested in the natural vegetation of the islands. This UNESCO world heritage site is home to the rare Coco de Mer palm. Better discover the natural splendour with a guide
May ♍
103 month ago
The prehistoric forest located in a hidden valley on the island of Praslin is a treasure. Try to spot the rare Black Parrot when you're there, it's almost like going back 50 million years in time
Andrei O
108 month ago
Интересное место, но не дешевое для часовой прогулки. Вход 300 рупий (больше 20dollars usa)
Joerg F.
133 month ago
At one of the world's smallest natural UNESCO World Heritage Sites you can see the largest seed in the world: Coco de mer, 15-30 kg.